Disclaimer Page
The information published on our website is in good faith and intended solely for general informational purposes. We explicitly disclaim all liability for any losses and damages incurred from the use of our website and materials on it.
While we strive to maintain all the information on our website, keeping it updated and accurate, we cannot provide any guarantees concerning the content's comprehensiveness, accuracy, and reliability. Please be advised that any reliance on the information on our website is strictly at your own risk.
We may include hyperlinks that provide direct access to third-party websites and resources. Please be advised that such links do not signify our endorsement, guarantees, or responsibility for any content published on these websites. We strive to provide the most up-to-date, correct information; however, third-party resources are subjects to change and we are not responsible for the accuracy and validity of their information.
We kindly advise you to familiarize yourself with terms and policies of each external website you visit before you agree to deal any business and share your personal information. We are not responsible for monitoring your use, and any results thereof, of other websites.
Please be advised that by continuing to access and use our website you are agreeing to our terms and our disclaimer. If there are any amends to our disclaimer, we will post them here immediately.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our terms and disclaimer, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].